Innovative solutions to help our farmers in drought

There may have been increased rainfall statistics in May, but the spin off from the country’s worst drought in a century still continues to impact our farmers in drought significantly. And in spite of substantial financial aid from Government, farmers will still have to take matters in their own hands to effectively counteract the effects of the drought.

We take a look at a few innovative water saving & storage solutions such as use of a water tank to help our farmers remain sustainable in the long run.

Use a bulk water storage tank to ensure that you have enough water on hand

In times of rain scarcity, bulk water storage tanks are a great way to guarantee that you have sufficient quotas of water available for the various agricultural uses, including irrigation of crops & drinking water for livestock.

For safe water storage & to ensure that you yield optimal results from your investment – do be sure to buy from a trusted supplier as RotoTank™. These are some of the key attributes of their vertical water storage tanks:

A huge plus of the RotoTank™ vertical water storage tanks is the fact that it offers no less than eight years of UV protection, so you can safely store water in it for extended periods of time.

The benefits of using a polyethylene water storage tank

A Polyethylene water storage tank is most suited to South African needs. These are some of the main reasons why it remains a top choice of our farmers, as opposed to using a steel tank or concrete reservoir:

Keeping your livestock hydrated during the drought

Providing water to your livestock across hectares of farming land is so much easier with RotoTank’s water troughs. These are some of the core attributes of these expertly designed, low maintenance features:

RotoTank™ also offers smaller convenient plastic water cribs in 1,000 & 1,800 litre sizes that are ideal for hydrating livestock such as cattle, sheep, ostriches, horses, etc.

Our farmers who are affected by the low rainfall, who are receiving Government’s financial aid, will do well to make investments in long-term innovative solutions that speak to their needs. From crops to livestock they need to invest in turnkey solutions to protect themselves from the effects of a very dry year.