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Water Conservation

Water is a remarkable substance- central to life, it feeds our nations, drives our industry, washes away our troubles, quenches our thirst, and brings beauty and pleasure into our lives.” –Barbara Schreiner.

As of late, people are becoming a lot more environmentally conscious. Companies are becoming eco-friendly and a large percentage of the South African population is more aware of their actions and the potential reactions that might occur. However, water conservation has recently seemed to dim out of the spotlight. The importance of water conservation cannot be stressed enough.

Save our Water

Water is the fuel of life. Plants, animals and humans cannot function without it. Water conservation is highly underrated, and we all need to come together to take measures that conserve our water levels. There is no denying that, especially in South Africa, our water supply is stressed. With increasing populations and our water supply relying on rainfall 100%, we have to take action.

Rain Harvesting

An innovative idea is rain harvesting. RotoTank™ supplies vertical tanks, which are perfect to use as rain water tanks. These are ideal for rural areas, allowing people to save water and have easy access after rainfall. Almost anyone could use rain water tanks for a range of purposes.

Get Creative

Here are a few examples of places that would definitely benefit from harvesting rain water.

There is a certain notion of idealism with rain harvesting. Knowing that you are not only conserving water, but collecting from a natural resource, is rewarding.

Save, Save Save!

Remember to conserve your water usage around the home and office too. Here are a few tips to keep your water-conscious levels up and consumption down:

Contact RotoTank™ directly for more information on Vertical Tanks.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]