Correct RotoTankTM rain or water tank installation is critical to the effectiveness and longevity of your tank. Find out more below:
Correct rain or water tank installation is critical to the effectiveness and longevity of your tank. The correct installation is also important for the warranty procedures. The following steps are suggested:
Preparation for Stand Installation
Prepare a stand that has hardwood or steel decking with gaps no greater than 40mm. For stands not purchased from RotoTankTM, ensure that it is manufactured according to legislative requirements if it is higher than 1.8m. For stand up to 500mm you can also purchase plastic tank stand from RotoTank. This is a plastic ring that is filled with building rubble (or any available material), compacted in 150 mm layers with the top 50mm river sand or soft soil (no sharp rocks or objects). Decking should be supported structurally by bearers strong enough to prevent sagging of decking when tank is full. The tank can be lifted into place by crane if required (if positioning requires a crane this will be at purchaser’s expense). The tank must be secured with RotoTank cable tie downs or water filled to 55mm to prevent blow-away (no responsibility taken for tanks being damaged in this manner).
Installing and Connecting the tank on your Pad or Stand
Water Inlet – Water should be directed into tank through the strainer. Fixed inlets must be supported and have flexible hose fitted (similar to outlet instructions). Inlet pipe must be supported by stand.
Water Outlet – Connect your outlet with flexible hose 300mm (12”) in length. The hose must be placed between the valve and all other plumbing or rigid pipe work. Elbow fittings must be used as shown (important: Water capacity of the inlet must equal water capacity of the overflow e.g., 2 x 100mm (4”) inlets = same capacity overflow).
Water Outlet: Overflow – Connect overflow. Water must be piped away from the tank to prevent erosion of soil around foundations of the pad or stand.
Here at RotoTank prospective buyers of our tanks often ask some recommendations when buying a tank. Of course, when we give advice, we need to understand the customers need more clearly and generally that conversation is a unique one. However, there are some general considerations when buying a tank.
Carefully consider what you intend to use your tank for. Tanks are manufactured for various purposes such as chemicals, sewage and water. When buying a polyethylene tank three factors need to be considered: The chemical composition of the material to be stored therein; the weight of the material and the value. The combination of these three factors will enable your RotoTank technician to suggest the correct product.
Deciding about volume is not necessarily an easy one. Most chemical tanks are selected in a size that suits a production line or process. Industrial sites often need large volumes but do not have enough space. The smaller footprint but larger size of the 20 000lt tanks and upwards makes them often ideal for factories.
Water tanks for rainwater harvesting are mostly in the 500lt to 5000lt range. Domestic yards often do not have much space requiring a distinctive design such as slim shaped tanks or square wall tanks. Make sure to check the diameters carefully when making your selection and leave enough room for expansion. Ask the local RotoTank branch manager for assistance in this regard. Our products are also on display at our branches so it might be worth your while to visit a branch and have a look.
Most persons buying a water tank wants an assurance that the tank has a black liner to prevent alae growth. RotoTanks are all lined with ‘n black polyethylene liners which prevents it. However, some manufacturers supply tanks with lose fitting lids and open tank connectors. It is important to remember that these tanks often stand in open air storage for a while and may become home to creepy crawlies, dust, stormwater run-off, etc. When your tank is delivered, I am sure you will want a clean product and RotoTank provides just that. All our tanks are equipped with a secure fitting lid and sealed tank connectors to ensure that the tank arrives at your location
When ordering your tank make sure what your installation needs are. Your local RotoTank branch keeps most accessories to connect your tank, but, for special needs you may want to consult an installer or plumber. RotoTanks connectors are equipped with standard thread sizes and most irrigation supplies will easily fit thereto. We even provide a free leaf catcher for every water tank bought. Make sure that the manufacturer’s recommendations are followed to prevent a warranty dispute. Rigid piping can for example crack a tank due to expansion cycles and customers are often not talked about small risks when installing your tank. At RotoTank your friendly adviser will give you ample installation tips.
One often does not think that a water tank may be a dangerous item. But, consider for one moment what happens to five tonnes of water, or more, when a tank busts due to poor quality. What if small children are nearby? At RotoTank our quality guarantee ensures a safe tank. Out water tanks are equipped with a child safe lid preventing small children from trying to climb inside for a splash and our tanks are manufactured with food grade material which will in no way compromise the liquid inside. Our customers can obtain a technical safety date sheet, especially in the case of chemical tanks. From this point of view, it would the expression ‘penny wise and pound foolish’ springs to mind.
While industrial applications are often not too concerned about appearance, the domestic sector normally wants the tank out of sight. Although you might want to boast about your RotoTank, consider selecting in a colour which blends in with the colour of your house or garden. Not all tanks and green, often a light brown or grey colour give more meaning to a setting in the dry season. Some manufacturers make special square tanks to fit narrow places of to be less obtrusive. RotoTank are the only company that up to now have made a ‘rock faced tank’ for aesthetic purposes. But, be warned, these tanks are normally quite pricy in the market.
Water, water everywhere! But every drop saved from your taps, shower and washing machine counts for nothing if you have a cracked drainpipe or leaky outside tap. Therefore, make sure your water saving plans are foregone by a proper maintenance check of all peripherals to the rainwater harvesting process. A good idea is to check your water bills regularly to make sure you’re being billed for a number of litres that roughly makes sense. If it doesn’t, investigate your property for leaks like some sort of water-saving superhero.
It’s not the cheap option but if you’re strapped for space rather than cash, this could be just the ticket for you. Many companies can hide your tank underground, leaving you without an eyesore in the middle of your carefully tended lawn. Your local RotoTank branch will have a full range of underground tanks. But be warned, not every installer is an expert at putting a tank underground. But that is a discussion for another time
Well, there you have it. There’s no time like the present to do your bit and recycle every precious drop.