rototank, recycle cluster


RotoTankTM is a manufacturer of recycle bins, water tanks, chemical tanks, transport tanks, septic tanks, silos and recycle bins. We are a national brand with branches around the country. We sell directly to the public and deliver for free.

Be a whole lot kinder to the environment with our extensive range of colourful recycling bins made to fit your needs.

The best recycle bins for you

Whether you want to recycle in your personal capacity or as a company, there are RotoTank recycling bins that will be perfect for your needs.

We currently offer the following recycle bins:

  • Recycle bins for cans in red
  • Recycle bins for glass in green
  • Recycle bins for plastic in yellow
  • Recycle bins for paper in blue

Does the colour of your RotoTank recycling bins matter? Well no, but they add an element of fun to your recycling! And remember the bigger your recycling bins are, the better.

Why is it important to recycle?

People give many reasons why they do not recycle,

  • They say it is inconvenient. From collecting to dropping their recycling off, people do not like to be inconvenienced, even if it is for a good cause.
  • They say they do not have enough space in their home. Lack of space seems to be an issue for some but there are ways around that!
  • They say there is no incentive (monetary or otherwise to recycle).
  • They say it is difficult to do.
  • They say it doesn’t make a difference. This reason is mostly due to being misinformed about the status of our climate and environment.

However, for every reason people have not to recycle, there are more reasons that show how necessary it is:

  • Recycling is a solution for the climate problems we face. Recycling produces less carbon, thus reducing the greenhouse effect.
  • Recycling saves energy. Manufacturers do not need to make products or goods from scratch using natural resources, so energy consumption and production costs come down.
  • Recycling reduces landfills. This is a real problem in the time we live in. Who wants to live next to an overflowing landfill, right?
  • Recycling protects our wildlife and resources. For example, paper recycling saves millions of trees. Trees host a variety of species that would be without a habitat if those trees had to be cut down.
  • Recycling is good for the economy. The demand for recycled goods is increasing and is a nice boost for the economy.

How to recycle?

The recycling system might not be as established in South Africa, but provisions have definitely been made, so you have no excuse not to recycle.

  1. You CAN and SHOULD recycle paper, plastic, cans, glass, batteries, metal, and Tetra Pak.
  2. Keep products that can be recycled separate from your other rubbish. Your RotoTank recycling bins are perfect for this.
  3. Keep food products as far away from your recycling bins as possible.
  4. Take your recycling bins to a municipal drop-off centre or buy-back centre once a week (or more often if you prefer). There are also private collectors in South Africa such as Ecomonkey, Remade, and Clearer Conscience that will collect your recycling on your behalf.
  5. Buy products that have been made from recycled material.
  6. If you can avoid it, do not buy hazardous materials such as harsh chemical cleaners etc.
  7. When cutting your grass, don’t collect the cuttings, leave them to act as a fertiliser in the soil.
  8. Plant trees!
  9. Get involved with community recycling projects or initiate one of your own at your workplace or school.
  10. Please remember that you CANNOT recycle Pyrex or ceramics.

Contact RotoTank today to take your recycling bins to the next level with our wide range of RotoTank recycling bins. We also offer plastic silos, plastic water tanks, and large plastic water tanks.
