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Whether you are a farmer producing grain or a factory manufacturing cement, RotoTank will supply the most suitable Silo to suit whatever your bulk storage needs may be. Roto Tank’s Silos come in various shapes, colours and sizes ranging from 175 litters to 20 000 litters. Our Silos are designed to hold both liquid and dry storage.

Our Silos and various other tanks are built on-site using special machinery in different diameters and heights. Bulk storage Silos can be manufactured with either a flat bottom, or with converging wall hoppers. Each is tailor- made and installed to the customer’s specific requirements taking into account future expandability and maintenance.

The versatility of RotoTank’s storage tanks, allows for use above and below ground level. Due to the fact that chemical and water storage Silos are designed to be used as transport tanks too, companies can save thousands of Rands and valuable time, as water or chemicals do not need to be transferred between storage tanks and transport tanks.

RotoTanks is dedicated to delivering quality Silos to our clients through consistently providing a service that is nothing short of excellence. In order to keep you satisfied, RotoTank manufactures storage tanks and all other products to the highest international standards

Other Products include:

Vertical Tanks

RotoTank produces vertical Silos used in storing water and other chemicals. They come in all shapes, sizes and colours to suit the customer’s needs.

Plastic swimming pools

Plastic swimming pools are easy to install, more durable, crack resistant and cost less to maintain than the conventional concrete pool.

Koi ponds

Koi ponds are manufactured from heavy duty industrial plastic and require no maintenance.

Horizontal tanks

Horizontal storage tanks are manufactured up to 8000 liters and are ideal for storing liquids. They also come in various designs and colours.

Roto Tank prides itself on delivering value and quality to its customers.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]